Adoption/Foster/Kin/Customary Care Application Request

New Foster Application form

Date of Birth *

Home Mailing Address


  1. I/We consent to the Sarnia-Lambton Children’s Aid Society communicating and/or requesting information about me/us to/from other children’s aid societies, child protection authorities outside Ontario, private adoption agents/agencies, private foster care operators, applicable government agencies or other sources as necessary.
  2. I/We understand and agree that information concerning one of us individual, may be shared by the Society with my co-applicant.
  3. I/We understand that any false statement, or omitted information in this application, may jeopardize my/our Adoption/ Foster/ Kin/ Customary Care Application.
  4. I/we am/are aware that when applying to become a Resource Provider within the Province of Ontario, I will be required to consent to a search being conducted in CPIN (Child Protection Information Network) and that my information may be stored in CPIN.
  5. I understand that the purpose of CPIN is to protect our most vulnerable citizens, the children of this province.
  6. I also understand that my Resource information will be viewed only by those with the correct security roles; specifically, other Resource staff or those with a higher security clearance. My Resource Information will not be viewable by all workers throughout the province.