Our Location

Toll Free (855)-436-0623
Address161 Kendall Street N7V 4G6
Point Edward, Ontario


Contacting the Sarnia Lambton Children’s Aid Society

Please feel free to call us anytime. 
Our office is open:
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm

If you have a concern after hours, there is always someone on call so please call the same number, 519-336-0623.

If you need to contact a specific person or have a certain reason for getting in contact, please follow the links below.

Reporting a Concern

Submitting a Complaint

File Disclosure Requests

Board of Directors

Staff Directory

General Inquiries
Call 519-336-0623 or email info@slcas.on.ca
Toll Free (855)-436-0623
